The Philippine Association of Medical Journal Editors (PAMJE) Inc. with support from the Department of Science and Technology-Philippine Council for Health Research and Development (DOST-PCHRD) and Asia Pacific Association of Medical Journal Editors (APAME) is organizing the 17th National Medical Writing Workshop and 10th Writeshop for Young Researchers on  30-31 March 2020 in Tacloban City. The workshop aims to help young investigators in health and health social sciences acquire practical knowledge and skills in preparing a scientific article for publication in a scholarly peer-reviewed journal. Successful applicants will be granted free workshop registration, accommodation, and meals during the workshop, and will be assigned to a mentor-facilitator who will guide them in preparing their articles for a brief presentation.

Requirements for participants

The workshop is designed for a maximum of forty (40) researchers in health sciences and health social sciences, aged 40 years old and below, who have a research project completed not more than 2 years ago and have drafted a publication-ready manuscript of maximum 2,500 - 3,000 words, formatted for submission to a scholarly biomedical journal. Note that thesis, dissertations, and technical reports in original format and length do not qualify. 

The selected draft manuscripts will be reviewed and revised during the workshop, based on the lectures and exercises, under the guidance of the faculty and mentor – facilitators. All participants are expected to present a powerpoint summary of their revised manuscripts on the second day of the workshop and agree to submit the article to an appropriate scholarly peer-reviewed journal within three (3) months after the workshop.


Applicants should send the following requirements via email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. on or before January 31, 2020.

  1. Fill out the application form. (Link:
  2. Conforme slip
  3. Abstract (in .docx and .pdf format)
  4. Draft of Journal Manuscript (in .docx and .pdf format) 
  5. Instructions to Authors for the target journal (This is a free document downloadable from the website of your prospective journal.)


Please use this subject format in your email: Application_17th Writeshop_(Surname)
Please save your documents in this format:


  • Conforme Slip_(Surname)
  • Abstract_(Surname)
  • Manuscript_(Surname)
  • ITA_(Surname)


Application deadline: January 31, 2020
REGISTRATION IS FREE (limited slots only)

The results of the selection of participants for the Workshop will be communicated on February 10, 2020.


  • Selected participants are responsible for their travel arrangements.
  • Selected participants must show their paid ticket details on or before March 9, 2020, to reserve a slot in the workshop.


Should you have any concern, do not hesitate to contact Ms. Christine Alayon (e-mail address: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.; tel. no.: (02) 8-837-7534 loc. 204). 



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