Department of Science and Technology- Philippine Council for Health Research and Development (DOST- PCHRD)

Philippine applicants are advised to check with the Council regarding the eligibility and requirements. Interested applicants may visit the Department of Science and Technology- Philippine Council for Health Research and Development website for the Grants-in-Aid and Call guidelines (


Research proposals may be submitted by Filipino applicants with the following as Implementing Agencies: 
Research and Development Institutions (RDIs)
CHED- accredited Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) 
State Colleges and Universities
Private/ non- governmental organizations with proven track record in R&D

The submitted project proposals shall undergo the evaluation process of DOST- PCHRD. Approved projects will be funded by the DOST- PCHRD accordingly and are subject to PCHRD rules and monitoring. 

Funding modalities 

The DOST – PCHRD shall finance the project expenditures as itemized in the approved line- item budget (LIB) following the DOST Grants-in-Aid guidelines. The grant will cover a maximum of PhP 5,000,000.00 provided that the Implementing Agency will contribute counterpart funding. The grant may cover partial or full cost of the project, both direct and indirect cost of the Maintenance and Other Operating Expenses (MOOE) under the General Appropriations Act (GAA) which shall include Personal Services (PS), Maintenance and Other Operating Expenses (MOOE) and Capital Outlay (CO) that are integral in the conduct of the study. All expenditure items in the LIB shall be in accordance with the Unified Account Code Structures (UACS), relevant provisions are as follows:

  Direct Cost

     Covers the expenses incurred by the implementing institution in executing the project considered indispensable to its operations. 

           I.    Personal Services
                Includes salaries, wages, honoraria, fees and other compensation to consultants and specialists who undertake specific activities requiring expertise and technical skills.

           II.   Maintenance and Other Operating Expenses
                   Includes traveling expenses, communication expenses, repair and maintenance of facilities/ vehicles, transportation and delivery services, supplies and materials, utilities, training and scholarship expenses, representation expenses, professional expenses, and expenses on advertising, printing and binding, subscription and survey. 
           III. Capital Outlay
This includes all equipment necessary for the implementation of the project, which shall be enumerated in the proposed LIB. Equipment shall still be subject to the evaluation of DOST PCIEERD, this also includes infrastructure that are integral part of the project and are crucial in the attainment of the project’s objective

     Indirect Cost

        Cost used to cover the overhead expenses by the implementing institution in managing and monitoring the project. The administrative and project management cost shall fall under this account. Similar to Direct Cost, the Indirect Cost can be broken down according to specific item under PS and MOOE. The total indirect cost of the project shall not exceed 7.5% of the total PS and MOOE of the project.


Prior to the submission of a full blown proposal, applicants are requested to submit a capsule proposal through the email addresses indicated below. Two (2) hard copies should be mailed to the Department of Science and Technology- Philippine Council for Health Research and Development (DOST- PCHRD), 1st floor, Saliksik Building, General Santos Avenue,  Bicutan, Taguig City 1631. All proposals are also required to be registered in the Project Management System (PMS: The capsule proposal should not exceed five (5) pages and should include the workplan and line- item budget. Institutions with shortlisted capsule proposals will then be requested to submit a full blown proposal. 

For more information, please contact:

Mary Ann I. Pacho
Science Research Specialist II
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. / 837 7535 loc 304

Christine May D. Gaylan
Science Research Specialist I
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. / 837 2017 loc 2111

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