Ethical Research Awareness, raised in Health Students
Over hundred ISU-Cauayan Health Students were benefited and raised their awareness on the forum on "Research Ethics as a Tool in Enhancing Quality of Health Researches" discussed by Vice-Chair,VRH-IRB Dr. Danilo Antonio A. Alejandro at Food Laboratory Function Hall, ISU-Cauayan Campus, Isabela.
Dr. Alejandro highlighted the first things to consider before conducting an experiment or research, like the voluntary consent of the subject, its social relevance, and qualification of the scientists, and adequacy of the facilities to be used.
"All researches should be ethically sound", pressed Dr. Alejandro.
He said that regardless of the social benefits of the research, no human being must be put in harm particularly the vulnerable subjects who are the children, pregnant, prisoners, elders, and the persons with disabilities.
Moreover, in the conduct of the experiment or research "assent and consent" is required beforehand.
Meanwhile, he advised the future health researchers to make their researches and studies circulate in a publication if they want to be known internationally.