The Hubert Curien French-Filipino Partnership (PHC) is calling for proposals to the PHC “Science for the People” France-Philippines Cooperation Programme in Science and Research.

Implemented by the Department of Science and Technology (DOST), French Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs (MEAE), and French Ministry of Higher Education, Research, and Innovation (MESRI), the program aims to encourage new collaborations through exchanges between Filipino and French research laboratories involving significant participation of young researchers (Ph.D. and Post-Doctoral).

The deadline for submission of applications is on 01 February 2020. The following are the mechanics of the program:


General Eligibility conditions

  • The call for applications is open to researchers of research laboratories affiliated with higher education institutions and research organizations.
  • The active participation and mobility of young researchers, in particular, doctoral or post-doctoral students, is one of the first criteria for selection.
  • It only finances the mobility between the two countries of the researchers involved in the program.
  • Any other funding necessary for the implementation of joint projects must be provided by the own resources of the partner laboratories or by other sources.
  • Each proposal should be jointly submitted by the partner in France and the partner in the Philippines. On each side, a principal investigator ‘head of the project’ should be appointed by the team of researchers. Only researchers working regularly in the partner institutions of the proposal are eligible. The principal investigator has to be a researcher or a lecturer/researcher.
  • A proposal must be submitted in English to the Department of Science and Technology (DOST) by the Philippines principal investigator. An identical version in French will also be submitted online by the France principal investigator.
  • Projects intended to finance exclusively the participation in congresses, conferences, or courses will be excluded.
  • Researchers are strongly encouraged to generate continuity of the project after having been supported by the PHC Program, constantly carrying on the project with a future perspective.

Eligible themes for 2020

  • Nuclear applications on health;
  • Biological Sciences;
  • Health & Medical Research (Genomics and personalized medicine);
  • Agro-ecological approaches to agricultural production (Agritech);
  • Soil health, nutrient and water management;
  • Industry, energy, and emerging technology;
  • Material Science


Project Proposal Form

The application should include:

  1. A clear identification of the partners (university/training and research unit/department/school/research body/other);
  2. Objectives of the project within the general framework of human resource development and the establishment of France-Philippines thematic network;
  3. A precise description of the activity to be carried out and the number of persons involved;
  4. An implementation timetable;
  5. Detailed budget established according to the rules edicted;
  6. Official approval from relevant agency authorizing commitment of institution of each partner

Evaluation and selection

The projects will be selected by France and the Philippines during a Joint Meeting. For the French side, the MESRI's Delegation for European and International Affairs (DAEI) ensures the scientific evaluation of the applications. For the Philippines side, the DOST ensures the scientific evaluation of the applications.


Evaluation requirements:

  • The quality and scientific interest of the project, the clarity of its presentation;
  • Recognition of researchers in their field, participation in the publication of scientific articles, international notoriety;
  • Participation of young researchers and/or Ph.D. students: the team should consist of a minimum of, but not limited to, two members e.g. a senior researcher and junior researcher(s);
  • Cooperation and complementarity between French and Philippines teams(mutual contributions, balance of planned mobility...)
  • Network projects;
  • Alignment with the themes;
  • Perspectives of valorization of the project (academic publications, potential economic and industrial benefits).


Project duration

Each project will take 2 years for implementation. Funding is granted on an annual basis. It must be used between January 1st and December 31st of the year concerned and cannot be carried over to the next financial year.

An overall budget of up to 1 160 000 PHP (20,000 €) will be awarded per project per year. This budget represents the total funding per year per project allocated by the two countries, France and the Philippines. Therefore, for the entire duration of the PHC program (2 years), a project can be granted up to 2 315 000 PHP (40 000€).

The project coordinators will be requested to fill an annual activity report form at the end of each year in order to make sure of the project progress. The report will determine the financial contribution for the following year determined by:

  • Optimal consumption of the first-year funding
  • Annual activity reporting the project progress
  • Financial statement of the actions implemented of planned before the end of the calendar year (generally before November 15th)

A final scientific and financial report is required no later than three months after the end of projects.



The project should be co-financed by partner institutions. The principle of project co-financing excluding salaries is a condition for complementary support from the public agencies. The budget must show as realistically as possible the share of financial contributions expected from each partner (researchers, home institutions, host institutions, companies, communities, French and Philippines Ministries), broken down according to the type of expenditures: travel costs between the two countries, transport costs in the host country, living costs, educational fees (of the institution excluding costs covered by government subsidy), laboratory costs, tutoring, language learning and support, documents etc.

Providing a budget form sheet with the project proposal form should be filled in returned to the Department of Science and Technology (DOST), through the principal investigator’s university.

(*) Rates given in Euros for the French side, in Pesos for the Philippines side, are to be used as a guide and could be subject to some adjustment.


Financial support requested from the French and Filipino institutions

No cross-border funding scheme: France is paying for the French scientists traveling and living expenses and the Philippines for the Filipino scientists travelling and living expenses.

The resources granted by the Philippines cover exclusively the payment of the residence allowances and travel of the Filipino team's researchers in France.

The expenses cover:

  1. International transportation for exchange Filipino professors/lecturers/researchers (Ph.D. and Post-Doctoral), from the Philippines to France, including, if necessary, domestic transportation in France and the Philippines. The maximum rate of a round trip air ticket is 1500 Euros (87 000 Pesos)
  2. Living allowances in France of the Filipino professors/lecturers/senior or junior researchers (Ph.D. and Post-Doctoral): 110 Euros/day (6 390 Pesos). Health insurance will be also provided.


Intellectual property

The head of the projects is responsible and must take, on their own, all necessary measures to protect intellectual property.

Read carefully the attached document on good practices including on the rules of intellectual property. The project deposit includes, de facto, the adhesion, by all parties, to those rules.



Publications (articles in specialized review or journals and communications at conferences or seminars), as well as reports,  should explicitly mention the support provided by the Ministries for Europe and Foreign Affairs (MEAE) and Higher Education, Research and Innovation (MESRI) and by the Department of Science and Technology (DOST).


For more information, please contact:

International Technology Cooperation Unit
Department of Science and Technology
General Santos Ave., Bicutan, Taguig City, 1631
Tel: 838-8376
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


The Hubert Curien Partnerships (PHC) are bilateral programs to support researchers’ mobility and are therefore a privileged tool for French scientific cooperation abroad.

The French-Philippine PHC Science for the People supports joint research projects over a 2-year period. It finances the mobility of Filipino and French researchers between France and the Philippines. The participation of young researchers, in particular doctoral or post-doctoral students, is fostered. This PHC is funded and implemented in France by the Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs with the Ministry of Higher Education, Research and Innovation and in the Philippines by the Department of Science and Technology.


Source: Written by: Christine Jane M. Gonzalez

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