What is RRF?

The Regional Research Fund (RRF) initiative encourages early-career researchers to actively participate in health research activities without competing with experienced researchers. Through this initiative, early-career researchers gain valuable experience that enhances their competency in designing, implementing, and managing health research projects. Once they establish a strong track record, they are encouraged to apply for larger-scale research project or program grants offered by DOST-PCHRD, DOST, the Department of Health (DOH), the Commission on Higher Education (CHED), and other national and international funding agencies.

Who may apply for RRF?

For the purposes of this grant, early-career researchers are defined as individuals at the graduate or postgraduate level, up to five years post-PhD/MD. Additional eligibility requirements are as follows:

  1. Regular staff or faculty members of CVHRDC member institutions.
  2. Medical residents of hospitals may submit proposals but must work under the supervision of a consultant or experienced researcher in the region, who shall serve as the main proponent.
  3. Other faculty or staff of research institutes, medical and paramedical schools, hospitals, and other health-related agencies that are not yet members of CVHRDC (subject to the approval of the regional consortia).
  4. Must not have any existing accountability with DOST and its agencies, particularly technical and financial reports; and
  5. Must not have been found guilty of administrative or criminal cases, including those in appeal.

An inter-intra-institutional collaborative research and development undertaking will be given higher priority for funding.

How to submit your proposal?

Submit your proposals to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Subject: CFP - “Institution Name”_”Title of Proposal”. Download the capsule proposal format: bit.ly/RRFCapsuleProposal


In the second installment of “Sustaining the Conversation on COVID-19: How Do We Cope? The eTURO Webinar Series on Engaging Communities and Networks (WE CaN!!)” webinar last 03 April organized by the Ateneo de Manila University - Institute of Philippine Culture (ADMU - IPC) in collaboration with the Department of Science and Technology - Philippine Council for Health Research and Development (DOST-PCHRD), former Department of Health (DOH) Secretary Dr. Jaime Galvez Tan explained how the COVID-19 pandemic demands a whole-of-government and whole-of-society approach.

He discussed how the involvement of every sector and individual is vital in defeating the pandemic through the implementation of cross-cutting strategies such as:

  1. Implementing a national unified communication plan by targeting a change in behavior
  2. Putting in place a nationwide monitoring and evaluation system for evidence-based policy making
  3. Protecting health workers from being COVID-19 patients by providing enough supply of personal protective equipment (PPEs)
  4. Increasing COVID-19 testing centers giving priority to epicenters of COVID-19
  5. Increasing number of dedicated COVID-19 Hospitals - with designated ICU beds for COVID-19 patients who are senior citizens, those with comorbidities, severely ill and pregnant women
  6. Shifting from a hospital centric response to an LGU-led or business sector-assisted community based systems:
    • Classification of each home according to capacity for quarantine (i.e. number of rooms). Every barangay should have a COVID-19 map located in the barangay hall.
    • Classification of provinces, cities or municipalities into those: at the epicenters, with less than 50 confirmed cases of COVID-19 or those with no confirmed cases at all at present
    • Classification of citizens according to risks: comorbidities, age-bracket, socio-economic class

Covering communication strategies, local government initiatives, monitoring and evaluation systems, Dr. Galvez Tan reiterates that the current situation demands proactive and creative initiatives. “We are in extraordinary times demanding extraordinary thinking and extraordinary action,” he says.

To download Dr. Galvez Tan’s full presentation, go to this link: bit.ly/COVID19andme.

Reposted from Businessmirror.com
Written by Lyn Resurreccion

THE first anti-dengue medicine in the world may be available by end of next year. And, also significant, it is made by Filipino researchers in the Philippines.

Dr. Rita Grace Y. Alvero, program leader of the dengue herbal clinical trial from Pharmalytics Corp., told the “Talakayang HeaRTbeat” on Monday that the researchers from Pharmalytics and De La Salle Medical and Health Sciences Institute have concluded Phase 1 of the clinical trial for the drug against dengue that they got from three plant components. They are hopeful that it will be approved for marketing by the end of 2020.

“We have completed the preclinical testing. We have completed the safety analysis in animals. We are now in the human testing. We have just concluded the Phase 1 clinical trial. [Based on] our findings, there was no dose-limiting toxicity,” Alvero said, partly in Filipino.

She explained that the last cohort, or people who took the medicine, took 106 capsules of 400 mg of its three plant components and no toxicity was observed.

“We will probably start Phase 2 and Phase 3 by the first quarter of next year. We will end by the third quarter. [Then] we will apply for marketing authorization. Hopefully, by the end of 2020, the anti-dengue drug may be out [in the market],” Alvero explained in citing the details of the process of making the drug.

Her announcement was met with a round of applause from Department of Science and Technology (DOST) officials, including Secretary Fortunato T. de la Peña, Undersecretary Rowena Cristina Guevara and Director Dr. Jaime Montoya of the Philippine Council for Health Research and Development (PCHRD), and experts Dr. Gisela Concepcion of University of the Philippines-Diliman, Dr. Irene Villaseñor of UP Diliman and Dr. Renato Reyes of Central Luzon State University, who were present during the forum.

She clarified that it will not be a herbal supplement.

“It is a drug. That means it has a scientific basis to back up the efficacy of the anti-dengue drug,” Alvero explained.

De la Peña quipped: “That will be her [Alvero’s] Christmas gift [to us] next year.”

Montoya said he is “very excited” with the developments in making the anti-dengue drug.

“It is the very first in its class. No country, even the US, has an anti-dengue drug produced. We are looking forward to this,” he said.

The dengue drug project by Alvero started in 2012, for a processing period of eight years.

The dengue research was part of the DOST’s Tuklas Lunas program to produce reliable and affordable medicines sourced from the country’s rich biodiversity.

De la Peña said Tuklas Lunas has 28 centers all over the country and 28 research-implementing institutions. A total of P1.5 billion was invested in the program since it started in 2011.

Besides the anti-dengue drug being developed by Pharmalytics and De La Salle, a herbal supplement against dengue was developed by Herbanext Laboratories.

Herbanext’s herbal supplement from tawa-tawa, under the Daily Apple brand name, was released in August at the height of the dengue epidemic in the country.

Guevara said, “As we continue our path [on] the future of medicine development, DOST wishes to honor our Filipino knowledge and traditions in healing combined with the modern discoveries of research and development. This knowledge is a gift from our ancestors. As such, it will be a guide to learn from past mistakes, open new doors to discovery and provide us with courage to face the future. In this we hope for a tomorrow that will enable our countrymen to have cheap, safe, effective and easily accessible medicines.”

For his part, Montoya said, “We are very optimistic that this will happen. We have the best scientists, we have a rich biodiversity, which is the source of these natural medicines, and we have the support of the government, the Council and the department [DOST]. We have the best pool of scientists, of experts.”

He added: “We are very hopeful and optimistic that in the next few years, we are coming up with the very promising, very effective, affordable and safe drugs that will address the leading causes of morbidity and mortality [in the country].”


Sources: http://pchrd.dost.gov.ph/index.php/news/6506-world-s-1st-dengue-drug-made-by-pinoys/written by: CJ M. Gonzales

In view of the need to keep the public abreast with accurate and relevant information, the Department of Health wishes to provide the public with right information about the COVID-2019:

1. What are coronaviruses?

Coronaviruses are a large family of viruses causing a range of illnesses, from the common cold to more serious infections such as those caused by Middle East Respiratory Syndrome-related Coronavirus (MERS-CoV) and Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome-related Coronavirus (SARS-CoV). Coronavirus can also cause a variety of diseases in farm animals and domesticated pets.

2. What are the symptoms and possible complications of a coronavirus infection?

Common signs of coronavirus infection include flu-like and respiratory symptoms, fever, cough, shortness of breath, and breathing difficulties. In severe cases, it can cause pneumonia, acute respiratory syndrome, kidney failure, and even death.

3. Where did the novel coronavirus (COVID-2019) originate?

On 31 December 2019, a clustering of pneumonia cases of unknown etiology was reported in Wuhan, China. The outbreak was later determined to be caused by a novel coronavirus (COVID-2019), a new coronavirus strain that has not been previously identified in humans.

4. How is the 2019-nCoV transmitted?

On January 24, 2020, the World Health Organization has confirmed human-to-human transmission largely in Wuhan City, China. However, there is not enough information yet to draw a definitive conclusion about the intensity of human-to-human transmission, full clinical features, and the original source of the outbreak.

Health experts are accelerating research to study the origins of the virus and how it is spreading. The virus has been differentiated from SARS and MERS, but its contagiousness and virulence is still being studied.

5. Is there a treatment and vaccine for the COVID-2019?

There is no specific treatment for any coronavirus including the COVID-2019. However, many of the symptoms can be treated based on the patient’s clinical conditions. Supportive care for infected persons can also be highly effective.

To date, there remains to be no vaccines for the new strain of coronavirus, hence, the existing Pneumococcal Conjugate Vaccines (PCVs) are ineffective against COVID-2019.

6. What should you do if you are experiencing mild flu-like symptoms, but have not traveled to China recently or have not been in close contact with anyone who traveled to China?

In this case, there is no need to be tested for COVID-2019. Please consult at your nearest health facility as deemed necessary.

7. What should hospitals with suspected case/s of theCOVID-2019 do?

The designated infection control committee (ICC) of the hospital shall be responsible for the preliminary investigation of suspected cases. Once the case is classified as a person under investigation (PUI), he/she should be quarantined. The ICC should then notify the DOH Regional Epidemiology and Surveillance Units (RESU), who shall then report to the DOH Epidemiology Bureau.

Hospitals with PUIs in quarantine will also send the collected specimens (oropharyngeal and nasal swabs) to Research Institute of Tropical Medicine (RITM) for screening.

The DOH also encourages health workers to be vigilant and take extra precautionary measures when in contact with patients with acute respiratory infection, especially those with travel history to China.
Finally, all health facilities must enhance their standard infection prevention and control practices, especially in their emergency departments.

8. What can the public do to prevent the spread of COVID-2019?

DOH advises the public to:

    • Practice frequent and proper handwashing,
    • Practice proper cough etiquette
      1. Always bring a handkerchief/tissue
      2. Cover mouth and nose using handkerchief/tissue (sleeves or crook of the elbow may also be used to cover the mouth when coughing or sneezing)
      3. Move away from people when coughing
      4. Do not spit
      5. Throw away used tissues properly
      6. Always wash your hands after sneezing or coughing
      7. Use alcohol/sanitizer
      8. Avoid unprotected contact with farm or wild animals
      9. Ensure that food is well-cooked
      10. Maintain a healthy lifestyle to mount up immunity

9. Who should be immediately investigated and tested for the COVID-2019 infection?

The following should be immediately investigated and tested for nCoV:

      1. A person with severe acute respiratory infection (SARI), fever and cough, and with at least one of the following:
        1. history of travel to or lived in Wuhan in the 10-14 days prior to symptom onset;
        2. A health worker who has been working in an environment where patients with severe acute respiratory infections are being cared for, without regard to place of residence or history of travel;
      2. A person with acute respiratory infection (ARI) and fulfilling at least one of the following criteria within the 14 days prior to onset of illness: 
        1. Close contact with a confirmed or probable case
        2. visit/work in a live animal market in Wuhan
        3. Work/attend a health facility where patients with HAI-associated COVID-2019 reported.

10. Are there any travel restrictions to be observed?

There are no travel restrictions recommended as of the moment. Currently, the transmission potential and modes of transmission remain unclear. Hence, we advise those who will travel to affected areas to avoid crowded places, close contact with live or wild animals, and to observe handwashing and cough etiquette. DOH is in close coordination with the WHO and the China Center for Disease Control on developments and updates regarding travel advisories.

11. Where can the public get information about the COVID-2019?

The public can get information about the 2019-nCoV from the DOH’s and WHO’s official press releases, website, and official social media platforms. Please be wary of fake news and reports circulating online, and always verify the sources of your information.

12. What are the DOH and other concerned agencies doing to contain the situation?

The Department of Health is closely monitoring individuals who manifested signs of respiratory infection and had a history of travel to China, and is coordinating with WHO and China Center for Disease Control for updates.
DOH is also enhancing its coronavirus laboratory testing capacity, hospital preparedness, rapid response, and its risk communication and information dissemination. Personal Protective Equipment are made available at the Bureau of Quarantine, Centers for Health Development, and DOH Hospitals.

The Bureau of Quarantine, meanwhile, is working with airlines and airport authorities to strengthen border surveillance, while the Epidemiology Bureau is heightening its community surveillance.

For more updates about the Covid-19, click here.

This advisory is prompted by information received from the Department of Health. All information listed above are generated by the DoH.

The Philippine Association of Medical Journal Editors (PAMJE) Inc. with support from the Department of Science and Technology-Philippine Council for Health Research and Development (DOST-PCHRD) and Asia Pacific Association of Medical Journal Editors (APAME) is organizing the 17th National Medical Writing Workshop and 10th Writeshop for Young Researchers on  30-31 March 2020 in Tacloban City. The workshop aims to help young investigators in health and health social sciences acquire practical knowledge and skills in preparing a scientific article for publication in a scholarly peer-reviewed journal. Successful applicants will be granted free workshop registration, accommodation, and meals during the workshop, and will be assigned to a mentor-facilitator who will guide them in preparing their articles for a brief presentation.

Requirements for participants

The workshop is designed for a maximum of forty (40) researchers in health sciences and health social sciences, aged 40 years old and below, who have a research project completed not more than 2 years ago and have drafted a publication-ready manuscript of maximum 2,500 - 3,000 words, formatted for submission to a scholarly biomedical journal. Note that thesis, dissertations, and technical reports in original format and length do not qualify. 

The selected draft manuscripts will be reviewed and revised during the workshop, based on the lectures and exercises, under the guidance of the faculty and mentor – facilitators. All participants are expected to present a powerpoint summary of their revised manuscripts on the second day of the workshop and agree to submit the article to an appropriate scholarly peer-reviewed journal within three (3) months after the workshop.


Applicants should send the following requirements via email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. on or before January 31, 2020.

  1. Fill out the application form. (Link: https://tinyurl.com/17NMWW2020)
  2. Conforme slip
  3. Abstract (in .docx and .pdf format)
  4. Draft of Journal Manuscript (in .docx and .pdf format) 
  5. Instructions to Authors for the target journal (This is a free document downloadable from the website of your prospective journal.)


Please use this subject format in your email: Application_17th Writeshop_(Surname)
Please save your documents in this format:


  • Conforme Slip_(Surname)
  • Abstract_(Surname)
  • Manuscript_(Surname)
  • ITA_(Surname)


Application deadline: January 31, 2020
REGISTRATION IS FREE (limited slots only)

The results of the selection of participants for the Workshop will be communicated on February 10, 2020.


  • Selected participants are responsible for their travel arrangements.
  • Selected participants must show their paid ticket details on or before March 9, 2020, to reserve a slot in the workshop.


Should you have any concern, do not hesitate to contact Ms. Christine Alayon (e-mail address: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.; tel. no.: (02) 8-837-7534 loc. 204). 


Source: http://pchrd.dost.gov.ph/index.php/news/6504-call-for-participation-17th-national-medical-writing-workshop-and-10th-writeshop-for-young-researchers

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