Last 15 April 2016, the eHealth TABLET (Technology-Assisted Boards for LGU Efficiency and Transparency) for Informed Decision-making of Local Government Units, also known as the eHATID LGUs project, launched several new features of their web application. Held at the Institute of Philippine Culture (IPC) Conference Room, health officers from eleven provinces in Luzon, officials from the Department of Science and Technology’s Philippine Council for Health Research and Development (DOST-PCHRD), and members of the Project NOAH (Nationwide Operational Assessment of Hazards) team attended the orientation and training seminar. Marita Concepcion Castro Guevara, Ph.D., IPC Director, and Fernando T. Aldaba, Ph.D., Dean of the School of Social Sciences of the Ateneo de Manila University, gave the opening remarks to the attendees.
A sample of visualized comparative morbidity data in eHATID’s web platform.
The additional components to eHATID’s web application are collectively known as eHaMBinGG, or eHATID LGU Morbidity Boards in Geospatial Graphs. Two new web-based portals will be included, namely a geospatial morbidity dashboard (GMD) and a comparative morbidity data dashboard (CMD). These will provide health officers with visualizations of selected morbidity cases on the national, regional, provincial, or city/municipal levels and comparisons of morbity cases between LGUs.
eHamBinGG can aid in the following aspects of the Philippine health system:
  • Data analytics of morbidity cases;
  • Disease surveillance;
  • Health financing and delivery issues;
  • Logistics management; and
  • Research and other studies.

The eHATID team is set to hold more training and orientation seminars for health officers all over the country.  

eHATID is an IPC project funded by the Philippine Center for Health Research and Development – Department of Science and Technology. The project aims to equip local government executives of data on notifiable diseases and other pertinent information on patients’ health in their locality for better and informed decision-making. The eHATID Team has been deployed to 367 health offices, and plans to train more cities and municipalities by the end of 2016. #repost (


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